Biomedical engineering is a multidisciplinary field in engineering, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The Biomedical Engineering Society (BES) Scientific Meeting is an annual symposium organized to provide a platform for students from junior colleges, polytechnics, undergraduate and graduate levels to interact, facilitating the sharing of biomedical engineering knowledge between individuals who share similar interests.

Besides allowing interaction among students, the event shall also provide opportunities for students to learn from academics and professionals in the biomedical engineering industry. This year, the BES 17th Scientific Meeting (BES17SM) will be hosted at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Click here to download the e-flyer


  • Abstract Submission Deadline: May 10th, 2024
  • May 18th, 2024: BES17SM conference

Information on how to reach the venue are available here


Professor Jack Wong


Professor Jack Wong is the Founder of the Asia Regulatory Professional Association, an organization of Healthcare Regulatory Affairs professionals in Asia. With more than 25 years of experience in regulatory, quality, clinical trial and pharmacovigilance, he is well-versed in the field of Medical Devices, pharmaceuticals, nutritional, consumer healthcare and biological products.


Prof Jack Wong also plays a leading role among all regional regulatory professionals in Asian Harmonisation Working Party (AHWP) and developed the First Asia Regulatory Affairs certificate course held for students across industries, government and universities.

Dr Michael Ho


Dr Michael Ho Chee Keong is a prominent figure in the realm of healthcare innovation and strategy, holding the honored position of Head of Innovation and Strategy at the National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC) in Singapore. With extensive experience in both academia and research, Dr. Ho has served as a Project Leader and Research Scientist at the Institute of Microelectronics, A*STAR, demonstrating his proficiency in cutting-edge technological advancements.


Dr Michael Ho is also known for his involvement as a panellist in discussions pertaining to the latest technology, industry trends, and investments within the health tech space at NUS Alumni Ventures


  • Date: Saturday, 18th May 2024
  • Time: 8:00 AM – 4:00PM (registration 8:00 am -9:00 am)
  • Venue: Lee Kong Chian Lecture Theatre and The Hive, Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Participation Categories

Presentations categories (all in-person)
  1. Podium Presentation (JC/Polytechnic Category)
  2. Podium Presentation (Undergraduate Category)
  3. Podium Presentation (Postgraduate Category)
  4. BES Design Challenge (Open to all categories)
  5. Poster Presentation (Open to all categories)

Call for abstracts

BES17SM calls for abstract in ALL biomedical science/engineering related topics, including, but not limited to
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • Biomedical Sensors and Wearable Devices
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • Biomechanics and Prosthetics
  • Digital Health and Telemedicine
  • Immunotherapy
  • Personalized Medicine
  • Nanomedicine

Abstract submission closes on May 10th, 2024. Click on the button below to submit.

All participants involved, including presenters, audience members and contestants, whether selected or not, are required to submit a payment through the provided registration link (see registration tab)

All participants at the BES Scientific Meeting are required to complete the registration process. The participation fees are specified in the table below.

Type Amount (SGD) Notes
BES Member (online registration) 10 Please use your email address that you provided when becoming a member (this is the one where you receive BES emails)
Non-BES Member (online registration with complimentary 1 year BES student membership) 20 If you choose this category, you will receive a complimentary BES student membership for 1 year
Non-BES Member (online registration only) 20

Secure payment options through Pay-Pal are available. Major credit/debit cards accepted.

PayPal Acceptance Mark

Programme Overview

Time Event Venue
8:00 am – 9:00 am Registration TBD
9:00 am – 9:15 am Opening Address TBD
9:15 am – 9:45 am Keynote Lecture 1 TBD
9:45 am – 10:15 am Tea break TBD
10:15 am – 10:30 pm Briefing for participants and judges TBD
10:30 am – 12:00 pm Oral presentation session

Poster presentation session
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch break TBD
1:40 pm – 2:40 pm Oral presentation session

Poster presentation session
2:40 pm – 3:00 pm Tea break TBD
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Keynote lecture 2 TBD
3:30 pm – 3:45 pm Awardpresentation TBD
3:45 pm – 4:00 pm Sharing from participants and organizing committee TBD

Objective of the competition
Designing a biomedical solution that addresses a clinical pain point and/or expedites conventional clinical processes, such as through medical devices, applications, et cetera.

The following are the eligibility criteria for the design competition:
  • Advisory staff can only have an advisory role on the project
  • Number of members per team can be up to 4
  • The project must have been carried out in the students’ institutions

Competition Format
All valid submissions will be reviewed by a judging committee. Submissions will be shortlisted as finalists for the “BES Design Challenge 2024”. All shortlisted submissions for the “BES Design Challenge 2024” are required to:
  • Have all team members registered as BES student members (
  • Select one team representative to present the design in front of the judging panel during the BES Scientific Meeting
Failure to comply with any of the above will result in the disqualification of the team from the competition. The judging panel will select, among the finalists, the winner of the competition. - All members of the winning team will receive the BES Gold Design Challenge Award Certificate and cash prize of SGD 300. Members of the runner-up team and second runner-up team will receive the BES Silver (SGD 200) and Bronze Design Challenge Award Certificates (SGD 100) respectively. The remaining finalists will receive a Merit Certificate. Attractive prizes will be awarded to the finalist teams.

Submission Process
Each submission should consist of:
    Each submission should consist of:
  1. (Mandatory) An abstract should be submitted via the ‘Abstract Submission' tab.
  2. (Mandatory) A pdf document with a full description of your design with a maximum of 3,000 words and no more than 10 illustrations or figures. Email your PDF file to [].
  3. The subject of your email should be: "BES Design Challlenge 2024".
  4. (Optional) A video file of duration not exceeding 5 minutes. Please attach the video to the same email mentioned above or make available a link for download.

Judging criteria
The participating designs will be judged following these criteria:
  • Novelty and originality
  • Potential impact on clinical unmet needs
  • Viability of the design and potential to reach the market
  • (for shortlisted finalists) Quality of the presentation by the student
All participants involved, including audience members and contestants, whether selected or not, are required to submit a payment through the provided registration link (see registration tab).

[UPDATE] Following several requests, NTU BMES has chosen to host BES17SM as a hybrid event, allowing participants in the Undergraduate category to contest both online and in person. Contestants who wish to participate online, please contact Juhwan Kim (email:; Telegram: @stpheran1211) to arrange the presentation.

Detailed information for each contest category

Category Form of presentation Participants Time per group Deliverables to be prepared
Podium Presentation 1 Oral JC and poly stduents 10-12 minutes of presentation + 3-5 minutes of Q&A Powerpoint slides
Podium Presentation 2 Undergraduate stduents
Podium Presentation 3 Postgraduate stduents
Design Challenge Presentation Open to all participants
  1. Powerpoint slides
  2. Proposed Design (ex. 3D rendered sketch, blueprint)
  3. A working prototype (optional)
Poster Presentation Stand-by 6-8 minutes per team, subject to change depending on the total number of teams participating
  1. Printed Poster board (A1)
  2. Presentation video (optional when the team cannot be physically present).

Podium Presentation Requirements: Form a team of at most 4 members.

Topic: Biomedical innovation that addresses existing medical challenges and contributes to shaping the future of medical technology (MedTech).
  1. PowerPoint Presentation: Create a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation that outlines your biomedical innovation. The presentation should cover the following key aspects:
    • Introduction: Clearly state the medical challenge your innovation aims to address.
    • Objectives: Clearly define the goals and objectives of your biomedical innovation.
    • Methodology: Provide insights into the methods and approaches employed in developing your solution.
    • Results: Share any preliminary results or outcomes of your innovation, if applicable.
    • Impact: Describe the potential impact of your innovation on current medical practices and its significance in the field.
    • Future Prospects: Discuss how your innovation contributes to the future landscape of MedTech.
  2. Presentation Guidelines:
    • Duration: Your oral presentation should not exceed 12 minutes, excluding an additional 5 minutes for a Q&A session.
    • Visuals: Utilize visuals, charts, and diagrams to enhance the clarity and impact of your presentation.
    • Language: Present your ideas in clear and concise language, ensuring accessibility to a diverse audience.
  3. Q&A Session: Be prepared to engage in a Q&A session immediately following your presentation. This is an opportunity for the audience and the judging panel to seek clarifications and delve deeper into your innovation.
  4. Award: For both JC/Poly, undergraduate and postgraduate podium presentation, the winning team will be awarded with a cash prize of SGD150. Runner-up and second runner up will be awarded with a cash prize of SGD100 and SGD 50, respectively.

Poster Presentation Requirements: Form a team of at most 4 members.

Topic: Biomedical innovation that addresses existing medical challenges and contributes to shaping the future of medical technology (MedTech).
  1. Poster Layout:
    • Design your poster on an A1-sized board for optimal visibility.
    • Clearly label and organize sections for easy readability.
    • Use legible fonts and maintain a professional aesthetic.
  2. Required Components:
    • Introduction: Clearly state the medical challenge your innovation aims to address.
    • Objective: Define the goals and objectives of your biomedical innovation.
    • Methodology: Provide a brief overview of the methods and approaches employed in developing your solution.
    • Results: Showcase any preliminary results or outcomes of your innovation, if applicable.
    • Impact: Describe the potential impact of your innovation on current medical practices.
    • Future Prospects: Discuss how your innovation contributes to the future landscape of MedTech.
  3. Visual Elements:
    • Use visuals, such as charts, graphs, images, and diagrams, to illustrate key points.
    • Ensure that visuals are high-quality and enhance the understanding of your innovation.
  4. Team Availability:
    • Stand by your poster board during the designated poster presentation session.
    • Be prepared to answer any questions posed by judges or attendees who visit your poster.
  5. Poster Presentation Session:
    • Judges will circulate and visit each poster during the designated session.
    • Be ready to provide a concise overview of your biomedical innovation and respond to inquiries.

The winning team will be awarded a cash prize of SGD150, runner-up and second runner-up will be awarded a cash prize of SGD100 and 50 respectively

For any inquiries, please email [] or [].


EXCO (NTU biomedical engineering society)

  • Jonathan Liew Chong Kai (President) 
  • Juhwan Kim (Vice-President, External) 
  • Sarvagya Bhatnagar (Vice-President, Internal) 
  • Glenn Chong (Treasurer) 
  • Jessica Ho Tanuwijaya (Secretary) 

Projects committee (NTU biomedical engineering society)

  • Dana Kim (Project Director, External) 
  • Shinyoung Park (Project Director, Internal) 
  • Dang Pham (Project Director, Event Day) 

Publicity committee (NTU biomedical engineering society)

  • Jerrie Feng (Head of Publicity) 
  • Alma Manne Padilla
  • Jason Liau Yi Jun
  • Phoebe Chin Xin Qian
  • Priyanshi
  • Lim Suyi (Celine)

Outreach committee (NTU biomedical engineering society)       

  • Pang Jing Jet (Head of Outreach) 
  • Sharleen Goh
  • Hui Hui Tan
  • Junyeong Choi
  • Mridini Manivannan 

Logistics committee (NTU biomedical engineering society)      

  • Ethan Chng (Head of Logistics) 
  • Ira Shekdar 
  • Na Yoonjeong 
  • Chaeyeon Park 
  • Lian Michelle Andrea 
  • Gordon Loo Hong Jin 
External Committee

·         Shen Liezhou(NUS) 

·         Lim Xin Er (NUS) 

·         Elise Tan (NUS) 

·         Lee Ai En Phobe (SP) 

·         Lau Yi Xuan (SP) 

·         Khang Su Zin (SP) 

·         Krystal Lim Hui Shan (SP) 

·         Choo Hui Jun Geraldine (TP) 

·         Boo Man Qi, Chloe (TP) 

·         Choo Chee Meng Gerald (TP) 

·         Ang Jiang Ming (TP) 

·         Caleb Paul (NYP) 

·         Tok Chun Hui, Bryan (NYP) 

·         Ayra Qistina Binte Mohamed Jufri (NYP) 

·         Kathina Williams (NYP)

·         Lee Chee Wee (NP)

·         Lai Neng Hong (NP)

·         Ernest Lee (NP)

·         Jurgen Guo (NP)

Advisory Board

·         Lim Jit Ning (Chair) (HCI) 

·         Sierin Lim (NTU)

·         Pui Tze Sian (NTU)

·         Ong Chi Wei (NTU)

·         Yeow Chen Hua Raye (NUS) 

·         Hou Han Wei (NTU) 

·         Ooi Chui Ping (SUSS) 

·         Adison Wong (SIT) 

·         Ngoh Shwu Lan (SP) 

·         Du Tiehua (NYP) 

·         Raja Rangaswamy (TP) 

·         Ong Wai Sing (NP) 

Scientific Committee

  • Dr Chen Ming (NP)
  • Dr Foo Abdiel (NP)
  • Dr Mrinal Kanti Musib (NUS)
  • Dr Ali Asgar Saleen Bhagat (NUS)
  • Dr Mukta Bansal (NTU)
  • Asst Prof Yu-Cheng, Chen (NTU)
  • Dr Pui Tze Sian (NTU)
  • Dr Lavie Golenberg (Medtronic)
  • Mr Ong Wai Sing (NP)
  • Dr Roger Chua Yon Jin (NHIC)
  • Dr Slaven Garaj (NUS)
  • Professor Chen Peng (NTU)
  • Assoc. Professor Song Ju Ha (NTU)
  • Asst. Professor Zhao Wenting (NTU)
  • Dr Tridang Nguyen (NTU)
  • Dr Tee Wee (ARQon)
  • Dr Rosa So (A*Star I2R, NUS)
  • Dr Lee Phin Peng (Singapore Biodesign)
  • Mr Sharad Mi Shukla (Johnson & Johnson)
  • Dr Ong Chi Wei (NTU)

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