- Date: Saturday, 9th November 2024
- Time: 9:00 AM – 12:15 PM, followed by lunch
- Venue: NUS E7, Level 3, Seminar Room 4
Registration starts at 8:30 AM. Morning coffee and snacks will be served.
A. BES AGM (9.00 AM – 11.30am)
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the 33rd AGM
2. Out-going President’s Remark
3. Secretary's Report
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Industry Chapter Update
6. Student Chapter Update
7. Healthcare Chapter Update
8. Motions/Proposals tabled for discussion and approval
9. Election of the 34th Executive Committee
10. In-Coming President's Address
11. Any other business
B. BES Seminar (11.30am to 12.15pm) by Dr Gao Yujia (NUS)
"Future of Surgical Imaging and Navigation: Mixed Reality to Digital Twins"
More details on the seminar and the speaker here
As coffee break / lunch will be served before / after the AGM, we would appreciate if you can respond on your attendance / dietary restrictions via this link by 31st October 4 November 2024
Registration link
If you wish to send in your nomination for the Executive Committee, and you are an ordinary member, you may do so via the online nomination form during the registration process.
Thank you and we look forward to meeting you at the AGM.
Best Regards,
Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore)
Secretariat Email: secretariat@bes.org.sg